
By Jagati Nature Care



An enema administration is a technique used to stimulate stool evacuation. It is a liquid treatment most commonly used to relieve severe constipation. The process helps push waste out of the rectum when you cannot do so on your own.

10 Min 400/- Book Slot

Hip bath

A sitz bath or hip bath is a bath in which a person sits in water up to the hips. It is used to relieve discomfort and pain in the lower part of the body, for example, due to haemorrhoids (piles), anal fissures, perianal fistulas, rectal surgery, an episiotomy, uterine cramps, inflammatory bowel disease, pilonidal cysts and infections of the bladder, prostate or vagina.

20 Min 899/- Book Slot

Spinal spray

A gentle massage of fine water columns through spray on the spinal cord and its nearby parts is called spinal spray. A specially designed tub is used for this treatment. This serves a great measure in influencing the central nervous system. Spinal spray is useful in insomnia, Spinal stenosis etc.. 

20 Min 1399/- Book Slot

Arm & Foot Bath

Warm water foot and arm bath is useful in Asthma, Bronchitis, Insomnia, Menstrual disorders. Person dips legs up to knees in a bucket full of warm water. Body is covered with bed sheet or blanket. This has therapeutic application in acute asthmatic attack.

20 Min 999/- Book Slot

Steam Bath*

The steam helps relax stiff joints and muscles and can help with the detoxifying process by continuous perspiration.A specially designed steam room which can comfort you to relax and enjoy the benefits of healing. Steam also helps cleanse your skin and remove toxins.

10 Min 2299/- Book Slot

Sauna Bath*

Deep sweating in a sauna can help reduce levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, mercury and chemical – which are all toxins commonly absorbed just from interacting with our daily environments.

10 Min 2299/- Book Slot

Asthma Bath*

A very effective treatment for those who are suffering from long standing Bronchial asthma. Asthma Bath helps to remove the congestion of the lungs and improves the lung function.

20 Min 1900/- Book Slot

Immersion Bath

A specialized tub in which the guest is asked to relax in water with specific temperature. It helps to regulate the body temperature and thus very effective in intermittent fever. Immersion bath with Epsom salt is very effective in conditions of Psoriasis and other skin conditions.

15 Min 1800/- Book Slot


It is effective in improving your blood and lymph circulation, making the tissues and organs in your body healthier. Additionally, underwater massage can be performed to treat minor aches and muscular pains.

15 Min 2800/- Book Slot

Circular Jet Bath

Circular Jet Bath gives instant cooling and refreshing effect, especially after taking a prolonged hot treatment such as steam room. This bath causes a powerful circulatory reaction which helps in stimulating the skin’s activity. It is a tonic measure for anaemic who are fairly strong. It stimulates muscular action.

10 Min 2800/- Book Slot


A jet is technically known as douche. It consists of a single movable column of water directed under pressure against the body. In jet baths, water is employed at all temperatures for therapeutic purpose. The pressure varies from five to fifty pounds.

10 Min 2299/- Book Slot

Colon Hydrotherapy*

It is the process of cleansing and flushing out colon or large intestine. The treatment is similar to an enema but is more extensive. It uses clean filtered water under gentle pressure (without pain) to wash out or detoxify colon of stagnated faecal materials. The number of sessions will depend on individual. Most people require a series of 3-6 treatments to receive a thorough cleansing of the colon.

60 Min 8000/- Book Slot

Gastro Hepatic Pack*

Application of Hot Bag of the epigastric region just below to the sternum and cold application on the opposite side on the spine wrapped with woollen cloth helps to increase the circulation and aids in easy release of the bile. This therapy is very effective in conditions like Diabetes mellitus, Hepatic and Pancreatic congestion.

20 Min 450/- Book Slot

Kidney Pack*

Application of Hot Fomentation on the midback of the spine on the level of L1,L2 and cold application on the epigastric region (below the sternum) helps to improve the function of Kidneys.

20 Min 450/- Book Slot

Abdomen Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the abdomen and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It is very effective in conditions like constipation, indigestion, gastritis, hyperacidity etc..

20 Min 420/- Book Slot

Throat Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the throat and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It is very effective in conditions like chronic sore throat, Hypothyrodism etc..

20 Min 460/- Book Slot

Wet girdle Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the Pelvic region and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It is very effective in conditions like urinary incontinence, impotency, Prostatomegaly, Prostatis , PCOD , Menstrual irregularities, constipation, indigestion, gastritis, hyperacidity etc..

20 Min 470/- Book Slot

Chest Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the Chest region and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It is very effective in conditions like cold, Bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, fever, cough etc..

20 Min 420/- Book Slot

Arm Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the entire arms and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It is very effective in conditions like Writer’s cramp, Carpal tunnel syndrome etc..

20 Min 400/- Book Slot

Leg Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the entire legs and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It is very effective in conditions like Varicose vein, Paralysis and chronic rheumatism confined with knee and angle joints etc..

20 Min 410/- Book Slot

Knee Pack*

Wet cotton cloth is wrapped on the Knee region and is overlapped with the help of woollen cloth in such a way that external temperature won’t affect the therapy. It helps to relieve the stiffness and helps to relieve pain from chronic arthritis and Meniscal tear.

20 Min 490/- Book Slot

Hot Compress*

Hot Compress Therapy is one obbligato part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Since it can help cleanse waste products and toxins from the body, this therapy is used widely to treat kidney disease especially in China.

20 Min 450/- Book Slot

Cold Compress*

Cold therapy is also known as cryotherapy. It works by reducing blood flow to a particular area, which can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling that causes pain, especially around a joint or a tendon. It can temporarily reduce nerve activity, which can also relieve pain.

20 Min 450/- Book Slot

Hydro Reflex Foot Track

Reflexology is the application of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears. A specially designed foot track filled with water which allows you to walk through the track which is fixed with pebbles of different sizes gives you pleasant feeling of foot reflexology.

20 Min 650/- Book Slot