Dinacharya: A guide to creating a Naturopathy daily routine

Dinacharya is a Sanskrit term that combines the words “Dina” for day and “Acharya” for action. So Dinacharya is a regular practice that is intended to keep us in sync with our body clock. While Ayurveda has stressed the significance of maintaining an understanding of the natural world for millennia, western academics are just now starting to comprehend how critical it is for the body to maintain a connection with nature’s cycles.

Dinacharya Ayurveda should be done early in the morning to preserve a connection with nature’s circadian cycles. Due to our continuous availability of power, dependence on portable gadgets, social media, and the many other disconnects we have grown used to having in our life, current fast-paced cultural standards keep us isolated from nature.

You can practice Dinacharya at your home by following this routine

  • 6 am. to 10 am., the first cycle (sunrise-sunset) – Kapha
  • Pitta – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
  • Vata – 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Second cycle: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (sunset-sunrise) – Kapha
  • Pitta – 10 p.m. – 2 a.m.
  • Vata – 2 a.m. – 6 a.m.

A list of an ideal Dinacharya chart based on the dosha above cycles should be a must in your daily routine.


Time to get up in the morning (In Brahma Muhurta)

A healthy individual should awaken two hours before dawn, or Brahma Muhurta. During this period, the vata energy is said to be prominent.


Early morning, drink two glasses of lukewarm water to aid with the removal process. It cleans the colon and kidney and keeps them in good working order.

Keeping a clean environment:

To clean your eyes, use Triphala or flower water. Gargling with water, cleaning your teeth, and cleansing your tongues should all be part of the oral health routine to stimulate your taste buds.

Bathe and exercise:

Exercise is best done in the morning, around 6 and 10 a.m., when the mind is in its Kapha phase and physically fittest. It eliminates slowness in the body, rekindles the gastrointestinal fire, burns fat, and creates a sense of serenity and pleasure.

Pray and introspect:

Your time with God is spent in prayer and worship. To monitor and regulate our prana, you should also meditate for around 20 minutes.


Breakfast should be healthy and nutritious. Eat a tiny portion, but enough to carry you through until lunch without the need for a snack. Depending on your body type, the quantity may vary.


Have your meal between 12 and 1 p.m. Because the pitta dosha is dominant, this is the best time to have the biggest meal of the day. Pitta is in charge of digestion. Therefore it’s best to adhere to this schedule.

In conclusion

Dinacharya in Ayurveda is a comprehensive, ancient medical system that can cure deep-rooted illnesses. Still, the teachings that offer skills and insight into preventive care and medicine are the ones that we find most helpful.

If you attempt to complete the whole list at once, you may get overwhelmed, lose motivation, and even give up. Instead, go slowly and steadily to develop long-term healthy habits that will change your life.

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