How Does Naturopathy Work?

Many people wonder what naturopathy is. And it is that around this discipline, there is still a lot of misinformation, myths, and mystery that make this area, on many occasions, automatically discarded. Naturopathy is also called natural medicine, a form of alternative medicine. It is known by SUS as integrative medicine or supplement today. Naturopathy uses natural remedies to boost the healing mechanism of the body.

Naturopathy appears in history from ancient times, based on the teachings of Hippocrates II, considered the father of medicine. It is the oldest medical current in the West, and its importance in Europe is equivalent to that of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Far East.

The name Naturopathy only appears much later, in the 19th century, to differentiate it from “modern medicine” – the traditional method of the time. It is based on the principle that the body itself can maintain health with its defence mechanisms – these being stimulated by natural therapies and greater contact with nature, seeking organic and psychic balance.

What Are the Bases of Naturopathy?

Naturopathy seeks to stimulate different capacities for personal regeneration and recovery. Accompanying and thus complementing the different medical treatments of disease. Therapies that include exercise, massage, acupuncture, administering herbs, and nutritional counselling are part of naturopathy.

In this way, naturopathy is about improving the person’s diet, eliminating toxins or excesses, and stimulating their immune system with natural products. In this sense, naturopathy seeks to take advantage of the maximum possible number of external and internal resources to enhance the human capacity for recovery and regeneration.

How Does Naturopathy Work?

Naturopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s own defence mechanisms to fight a disease or an imbalance. This stimulus is given through 100% natural methods, focused on nutrition and supplementation of vitamins and minerals, elements of nature, and therapies that focus on treating the whole person via mind, body, and spirit.

The Most Common Naturopathy Techniques Are:

  • Therapies include exposure to natural elements such as solar radiation, fresh air, heat, or cold.
  • Advice on nutrition and detoxification regimens through Trophotherapy (food science). Different kinds of diet; vegetarian or whole, without gluten or lactose.
  • Use of food supplements, hydrotherapy, fasting, or abstaining from alcoholic beverages and sugar.
  • Psychological counselling includes meditation, yoga, relaxation techniques, and other methods to relieve and manage stress.

The above-mentioned treatments can be complemented with various therapies that are part of the naturopathic universe. Techniques such as Homeopathy, Phytotherapy; Chromotherapy; Ozone therapy; Reflexology; Aromatherapy, Mesotherapy, Ayurveda, and many more can be benefitted from the use of naturopathy.

The Final Wrap

More and more people are adept at naturopathy, a discipline that is included within alternative or natural medicine. Naturopathy, which must be applied with a prior medical diagnosis, is today a perfect complement and support for traditional medicine.

This discipline of natural therapies understands disease as a set of bodily maladjustments. Along with traditional medicine, which deals with acting on the most physical part of the body, naturopathic treatments deal with the emotional or energetic sphere of the patient.

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